Dr. Engr. Prof. Rashid Ahmed Chowdhury
Ex-Professor, CIU Business School (CIUBS). At present Treasurer, Chittagong Independent University, CIU.
Mr. Abu Sohel Mahmood
Assistant Professor, CIU Business School (CIUBS).
Dr. Emon Kalyan Chowdhury
Professor & Head, Department of Accounting, CIU Business School (CIUBS).
Dr. Robaka Shamsher
Associate Professor & Head, Department of Marketing, CIU Business School (CIUBS).
Dr. Mohamamd Nayeem Abdullah
Professor, CIU Business School. Head, Department of International Business and Department of MIS.
Dr. Mir Mohammed Nurul Absar
Ex-Professor, CIU Business School. At present Vice Chancellor, Chittagong Independent University, CIU.
Dr. Moslehuddin Chowdhury Khaled
Associate Professor, CIU Business School. Head, Department of General Management and Department of HRM.
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Dr. Syed Manzur Quader
Professor & Dean, CIU Business School. Head, Department of Finance.
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