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City Alo Flagship Branch

City Alo

Flagship Branch

The first-ever coffee-lounge banking branch – the City Alo Flagship Branch located at the heart of Dhaka, which offers a unique banking experience to customers. Here, customers can walk in, grab a cup of coffee from Gloria Jean’s Coffees corner, relax in the spacious lounge-like area and get their individual banking requirements fulfilled.


Customers can just walk into the branch, grab a cup of coffee, relax in our lounge-type banking area and get their banking requirement met by the relationship managers.

Shanta Al-Kabir Skymark
18, Gulshan Avenue
Dhaka 1212


Are you interested in opening an account?

Please feel free to visit us at your nearest City Bank branch or call our 24/7 dedicated customer service center.

Map & Location

Customers can just walk into the branch, grab a cup of coffee, relax in our lounge-type banking area and get their banking requirement met by the relationship managers.

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